When you book with Battlecats, we want you to be completely satisfied with the service we offer from the moment you book to when you collect your child after their session or camp experience. 

Below are the booking terms and conditions which let you know what to expect from Battlecats and what we expect from you. 

We will always try to do the best by your child, make sure they are safe and conduct ourselves with integrity and honesty. 

If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, please call us: 07941576430


'Term' refers to a full school term

Purchaser is the person making the booking which may or may not be the parent.


Bookings placed online and over the telephone will be confirmed by email. 

Full payment must be made to confirm your place. Please check the booking confirmation email carefully to ensure the dates, location and details are correct and as expected - please inform us as soon as possible with any discrepancies and at least 14 days before the term or camp starts.


We accept payment by credit card and debit card. A booking is only confirmed once we’ve received full payment. If you would like to book a term or camp but would like to pay in installments please email us and we can arrange this. 

We offer sibling and pupil premium discounts. We cannot take child care vouchers.


You can cancel a booking up to 14 days before the term or camp starts. After this point there are no refunds. 


It is the purchaser’s responsibility to inform Battlecats at the time of booking of any pre-existing medical, physical or behavioural conditions, or medication requirements so that we can make provision for the child’s specific needs. If this information is not provided we reserve the right to exclude the child from some or all activities. 

If a child is deemed too ill by the Camp Manager upon arrival to Camp, we reserve the right to refuse participation until the child has been symptom free for at least 24 hours. If a child requires medication, our staff can only administer medication if it is specifically prescribed for that child, by a health professional. Please note all prescribed medication must be in date.

Appropriate First Aid will be administered to children in the event of an accident while under Battlecats care.  If the accident is more serious, we may need to call the emergency services and will immediately inform parents.  We have comprehensive procedures for major accidents that all Battlecats staff are trained in.


Battlecats reserves the right to exclude any child for any reason, including but not limited to inappropriate parent or child behaviour, illness, bullying and repeated late collection.